Title explanation: i miss Harry POtter and my Hogwarts buddies already.
Warning: this post will not be as enjoyable unless you turn this song on in the background.
Summer. Just thinking about that particular season brings a smile to my face & hopefully yours. And I would like to submit that there is no better way to spend your summer than by putting on those old rollerblades that are approximately 2 sizes too small, and cruising around the block. What can beat the warm summer breeze that makes your hair a bit tangly & the hot sun; who in fact is the mastermind behind the hundreds of freckles that appear on faces, shoulders, & noses within a 15 minute time frame. At least that happens on my rather fair skinned complexion.
I ran into some old friends of mine the other day who must think along the same lines as I do….. (just play along people).
DJ Chellee Chel & DJ Kellie Kel.
Epitome of happiness right there. Yup.
Bachelorette tonight. GO JP (you're a hunk).
here's my comment finally..... LOVE this song & this picture. one of the best days ever! : )