Friday, July 29, 2011

gone with the wind.

Dear Best Friend,
  • You hated me because I called you anti-social.
  • I hated you because I thought you were cocky.
  • Then we became the best of friends.
  • We told people we were twins separated at birth, and most of them believed us.
  • We teased my mom about kissing games.
  • We had heart to hearts that lasted into the wee hours of the morn.
  • At one point I had an itsy bitsy crush on you. Then I realized it was weird to crush on your twin
  • You dated my cousin. Then a few years later you dated my roommate.
  • We went to sweethearts and entertained ourselves by pinching awkward couples butts.
  • We were best friends with each others families.
  • You called me cheeks & cha-che, I called you BC and Haydes Lord of The Ladies.
  • You put mountains of shredded paper in my bed, so I returned the favor by filling your car with the same paper.
  • We gave each other hundreds of back rubs.
  • We decided early on that holding hands was out, considering my  hands were baby and yours were giant.
  • You would swear, and I would punch you everytime it happened.
  • We went to palisades together and spied, eavesdropped, and laughed more than should have been allowed.
  • We met Dennis Pita together, and obnoxiously yelled DEFENSE DEFENSE.
  • I told you your eye color was creamy mustard poo, you sang honkeytonk badonkeydonk every time i walked in front of you.
  • I was honest to you when the girls you dated were brats, and you told me when the boys I liked were losers and dementors.
  • We went to premiers together.
  • You called my dad hero and I called your parents by their first names.
  • We played cards so much we should be considered losers.
  • We made up inside jokes like it was no ones business.
  • You aggravated me more than you can know and I’m sure I did the same to you. But we always remained the best of friends.

I’m going to miss you in these next two years, but I know you will be an amazing missionary. I’m looking forward to our inside joke filled letters. See ya in two BC :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

i solemnly swear i'm up to no good.

Title explanation: i miss Harry POtter and my Hogwarts buddies already.

Warning: this post will not be as enjoyable unless you turn this song on in the background.

Summer. Just thinking about that particular season brings a smile to my face & hopefully yours. And I would like to submit that there is no better way to spend your summer than by putting on those old rollerblades that are approximately 2 sizes too small, and cruising around the block.  What can beat the warm summer breeze that makes your hair a bit tangly & the hot sun; who in fact is the mastermind behind the hundreds of freckles that appear on faces, shoulders, & noses within a 15 minute time frame. At least that happens on my rather fair skinned complexion.

I ran into some old friends of mine the other day who must think along the same lines as I do.. (just play along people).


      DJ Chellee Chel    &       DJ Kellie Kel.

Epitome of happiness right there. Yup.
Bachelorette tonight. GO JP (you're a hunk). 

Monday, July 18, 2011

past. present. future.

  • the first time around was the longest. immature but fun. difficult but so worth it. full of complex emotion. unforgettable.

  • the second time around was crowded; too many people involved. enjoyable. short-lived and rushed. the pain turned into revenge.

  • the third time around was careless. long awaited and needed. for one. brief  and ended miserably. for one.

  • the fourth time around was unexpected.  fun as usual. the inexplicable connection resurfaced. complicated of course. but ever so lovely.

& now. looking back. i understand. i learned and grew through the tough times. & i am more me than ever. so before the fifth time comes around i’m calling it quits. adios. and most importantly saying goodbye. but just for the record.

 “this is fun. you’re fun.”

The Lake of Powell

Lake Powell should really be called heaven on earth I think everyone that has been there would agree with me on that new title.  It was so relaxing going from crazy busy life to a week of only worrying out how much you should eat and where you should sleep. I’m not trying to brag or anything. But we seriously had way too much fun down there. To start off we stayed on the Nautilus II. Which is a 3 story Taj Mahal of a boat. It included 2 slides, several flat screen TV’s, and a Hot tub. We. Were. Spoiled. We also found the time in our jam packed, schedules to choreograph a synchronized swimming routine, cliff jump, wake surf, wake board, jet ski, tube, hike, kayak, explore, ski, watch every Harry Potter movie, play games, make a music video and I think you get how tough it was for me to bear this vacation. 
      So like I said earlier, we made a music video. To what you might ask? Well I don’t wanna spoil it so how about you check it out for yourself. My family is pretty funny if I do say so myself. This video pretty much sums up our week.
Well I hope you enjoyed that. Peace out home slices. I <3 LP & HP.
P.S. harry Potter 7.2 was seriously amazing.